Home News Robots participating in the Winter Olympic Games

Robots participating in the Winter Olympic Games

Over the years, technology has surprised us more and more. For some decades now, it has been making great strides and is practically an important part of daily life. Almost weekly we learn about the news of a new technological device that has been developed and that will change the lives of many people and the way in which things are done.

Technology has managed to penetrate every part of society, including sports. In these Winter Olympics there will be some advances that are expected to revolutionize the sport and life that we know so far, major sporting events are always used to test many of these new technologies.

These Winter Olympic Games have served not only for athletes, but also to present some advances in robotics. In the whole event there are approximately 85 robots with advanced technology that help in some tasks to tourists and other people who attend to see the sports events.

First time this number of robots are used in Olympic Games

These robots were mainly intended to be used to support people attending events, they would serve as guides inside the airport, to offer cleaning services and even for waiters, but then they also decided to use them in an Olympic competition, so apart from The support tasks will also serve to give a show to people and also support local universities in the development of robotics.

Edge of Robot: Ski Robot Challenge

Winter Olympics

This is the name given to the competition where the aforementioned robots would participate, in this event 8 teams from different private companies, institutes and research universities participated. The winner of the event would take $ 10,000 prize, the goal was to see which team was carrying a robot that could ski from a point to downhill in the shortest time possible.

Being able to make the robots work correctly was a challenge thanks to the low temperatures of the place, the event was held in Welli Hilli, this is a ski resort that is approximately one hour away from where the Winter Olympics take place. In order to participate the robots had to have the ability to stand on 2 legs, have joints on knees and elbows, have a height of more than 50 cm and have their own independent power system, they should also have their poles and skis.

The winning robot was “Taekwon V” which thanks to the sensors and cameras with which it was equipped managed to avoid a greater number of obstacles than its rivals, which made it possible to arrive first. Undoubtedly seeing so many robots in such a large event is impressive, but it is expected that in the Olympic Games of 2020 in Japan more than 200 robots will be used for different disciplines and tasks, we will have to wait to see how impressive it will be.